They also give you a very generous amount of rest time, especially the extended 15-30 minute break at the end of your fourth 25 minute work block. The main reason the Pomodoro cycles are so effective is because they keep stretches of work to a short and appealing 25 minutes which doesn’t appear or feel long by most anyone’s measure.

That is where the Pomodoro Technique really helps. With these distractions as they exist, the idea of doing something for a long time can seem virtually impossible. Social media, push notifications, email inboxes, always-on devices and apps connecting you to other people 24/7 serve as a means to prevent you from getting anything done. One of the most difficult issues people deal with today is focusing on one thing at a time, especially for long stretches of time. If you want to keep working, rest up to a maximum of 30 minutes and start a new cycle all over again. You must relax for a minimum of 15 minutes.

Pomodoro Technique – Explanation & Definition A productivity technique that enables you to get a lot of focused work time in without it feeling daunting or overwhelming.