As before the game plays really smoothly and with a decent amount of variety. The overall movement of the series story is not great though but in terms of providing a structure for the game, Cesare Borgia and the recovery of the piece of Eden is more than sufficient to engage in addition to the progress made by Desmond towards the end (even if the end does feel a little rushed when it comes). The story continues to be an impressively crafted mix of religion, history, truth and Da Vinci code nonsense but it is still engaging. Surprisingly ACB improves yet again on the previous game, with lots of little things added, changed and improved. As a result I didn't get too excited about it and was fine waiting till Christmas to pick it up.

When Brotherhood was announced it was sold as Assassin's Creed 2.5 as it wasn't a "proper" next game but rather a direct continuation of part 2 the inclusion of a multiplayer aspect also made it feel like perhaps it would be a shorter game, put out as a stop-gap between 2 and 3 – particularly since it had only been a year since AC2.